Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008

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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008

Tue May 20, 2008 8:39 pm
Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Each month, one lucky rock star phones Blender HQ for seven days straight, just to, you know, share. Now on the line: deader-than-deadpan folk duo Flight of the Conchords.

Josh Eels
Blender April 23 2008

Day 1
March 3, 2:32 p.m.

Conchords cofrontman Jemaine Clement (the one with the glasses) calls us from the Ritz-Carlton in Phoenix.

“We’ll be in the U.S. for almost eight months—we’re doing some gigs, then I’m shooting a movie, then we’re writing the next season of our show, then we start filming. Before we left New Zealand, I made sure to buy a Kiwi dictionary. America is confusing, spelling words like organiser with a zed. I’m trying to stick to all my original spellings.

“Today is an off day. We were thinking of going to the Grand Canyon, but we found out it’s a four-hour drive, so it would take eight hours total. And that doesn’t even include the looking part. I’ve never been to the desert, so to me it’s exotic. It sounds like cowboys. Maybe we can drink at a saloon, or rob a train. Except trains are pretty fast these days. And all we have is a rental car.”

Day 2
March 4, 3:41 p.m.

Bret McKenzie (the short one) rings from Phoenix, where the band has just finished sound check.

“Last night I watched The Golden Compass in my room. I don’t know if you’ve seen the film, but each human has a guardian demon that takes the shape of an animal. They weren’t very demonic, though. My demon would be a lot more troubled—like a talking bottle of booze that sneaks up on me and tricks me with a riddle."

“There’s very little going on in Phoenix. I think you need to be on meth to enjoy it—they have billboards everywhere trying to get people off meth. Yesterday we went to a pawnshop looking for instruments. Turns out they also had a lot of cheap weapons. Next to the trombones there were lethal crossbows. There was a gold-plated AK-47, and then a nice ukulele. The flutes were next to the swords—because you never know when you’ll need to kill someone with a sword and then, you know … get out of there. By pretending to be a flautist."

“We’re here because the company that makes those little cable boxes, Comcast, is having a convention, and tonight HBO is putting on a party for them. We’re never sure what our demographic is, but it turns out we’re quite hot right now in the cable-distribution scene.”

Day 3
March 5, 2:38 p.m.

McKenzie phones again, this time from a car in Salt Lake City.

“Last night was all right. The other acts on the bill were the Pussycat Dolls and the Temptations. Together again. I felt bad for the Pussycat Dolls: Like, ‘Cable distributors of America—give me a hell, yeah!’ But the corporate bigwigs were really getting into it—a lot of ties being loosened.  

We became friends with the Pussycat Dolls backstage. I kept forgetting their names, but then I realized they’re printed on their lingerie. So you just look down."

“So far we haven’t seen much of Utah. I think on the way in we flew over the Great Salt Lake. It looked like it was iced over; it looked kind of white. [Blender: We think that may be the salt.] Oh, right.”

Day 4
March 6, 7:19 p.m.

Clement checks in from Chicago’s Northwestern University, where students have been camping out overnight for the band’s show.

“Last night we played another gig, for a software company called Omniture. It sounds like some evil global conglomerate, but they were just normal people. They all had glow sticks around their necks. It was quite wild.

“Then this morning in Chicago two students from the university picked us up at the airport in their … do you call them station wagons? There’s certain nouns where the names are different. Like somersaults—in New Zealand we call them roly-polys. And those sprinkles on cupcakes, we call them 100s and 1,000s. Anyway, they picked us up in their station wagon, and there wasn’t room for all our gear. At least they recognized us. But they might have just seen a JPEG.

“Now we’re walking up to the venue. Oh, my God, there’s a massive crowd outside. It’s crazy. I’m taking off my glasses as a disguise. There’s a huge line, and a police car. But I think he might just live nearby.”

Day 5
March 7, 11:28 a.m.

McKenzie calls while en route to the airport, with the sound of giggling coeds in the background.

“The show last night was totally wild. Everyone knew all the songs, and afterward a bunch of kids waited outside to get us to sign their homemade T-shirts. We’re 'ucking the real deal, man! We
were ready to party afterward, but all the bars were closed. We ended up at—what’s it called? Steak ’n Shake. I had a steak—and also a shake. Now I’m getting a ride to the airport from some … I think you call them sorority girls? I’ve been trying to get the lowdown on how it all works, ’cause my knowledge is based on Hollywood movies, where everyone’s just really mean. Hang on, I’ll ask—do you guys make out with each other all the time? [Girls: “No!”] Yeah—they do!

“I’m flying to Los Angeles, and I don’t know where I’m going to stay tonight. It’s my friend Dave’s birthday, and I’m going to surprise him, so I need to hide out. You’re the only person I’ve told this, so if you haven’t heard from me by tomorrow, come find me—something has gone really wrong.”

Day 6
March 8, 12:17 p.m.

McKenzie rings us from Los Angeles, sounding a bit worse for the wear.

“I’m alive, but barely. Yesterday was a terrible, shiity day. Jemaine is shooting a film in Salt Lake City with Jared Hess, who did Napoleon Dynamite, and he’s working under a different visa. So the poor bastard had to fly to Vancouver at 7 a.m., get his passport stamped and then fly back to Salt Lake to start filming. Then my plane to L.­A. was delayed three hours, and I had to pay 160 bucks to check my guitar. Three-fourths of the way across America, someone started dying. The flight attendants were running around with oxygen and a defibrillator and one of those glucose monitors. We had to make an emergency landing in Las Vegas. But I think everything turned out OK.

“We finally got to L.A. around 11, and I found a room at the Beverly Laurel, my favorite old hotel. It’s this great B-grade motel above a diner called Swingers—like something out of a Tarantino movie. But wait—I can just tell you I slept on the street, can’t I? You don’t know!”

Day 7
March 9, 9:06 p.m.

After a couple of missed connections, we track down McKenzie in L.A., where he’s checking out optical illusions online.

“Sorry for the difficulties. I still don’t have an American cell phone; right now I’m calling on my friend Pauline’s. I tried to buy one yesterday, but they needed a Social Security number. It’s harder to buy a phone in the U.S. than it is to buy a gun. I’m thinking maybe I should just buy a gun, then steal the phone.

“We’ll be writing here in Los Angeles for two months, so I need to find a flat. Yesterday, I looked at one without a kitchen. The lady said, ‘Oh, you like to cook?’ I saw a place today with a koi pond. There’s no koi yet, so right now it’s just a really skanky pond. But it’s got potential.

“This week was probably a low point for the band’s integrity, but it was good to start doing gigs again. We got to meet the Pussycat Dolls, make some money. The only bad thing is, I’m exhausted, I’m dehydrated and I think I’ve got the flu. I can’t imagine people whose tours last longer than three days.”

Last edited by Ami on Sun Feb 07, 2021 12:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
The day time of the night
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Tue May 20, 2008 8:45 pm
Wow, the guys are modern day Jack Kerouacs. Haha.


Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Tue May 20, 2008 8:56 pm
holy hell! bret is so hilarious in such a raunchy way!! i just love him even more now!!!...totally my kind of guy!!!!!

bret!!! just love me damnit!!!!
I like to rock the party!
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Tue May 20, 2008 8:59 pm

Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Tue May 20, 2008 9:25 pm
Love this article!
Ah, Gerard Depardieu
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Tue May 20, 2008 9:43 pm
Thanks for the update, ever-on it Amily
Probing Planet Bret
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Tue May 20, 2008 10:09 pm
This is so funny!! Thank you so much for posting this! :-D
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Blender Magazine scans

Tue May 20, 2008 11:43 pm
Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 G3ptDNy

Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 OVZ8u7C

Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 YIBfRFe

Last edited by Ami on Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posing like a swan
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 12:26 am
aw this was really cute!

i love that bret asked those sorority girls that question! haha. jeez bret was struggling with one week and now he's in the middle of a month longish tour! poor guy.
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 12:43 am
this has to be one of the funniest articles i have ever read! augh, my boys   Very Happy  here's some of my favorite lines from it:

Amily wrote:
“Today is an off day. We were thinking of going to the Grand Canyon, but we found out it’s a four-hour drive, so it would take eight hours total. And that doesn’t even include the looking part. I’ve never been to the desert, so to me it’s exotic. It sounds like cowboys. Maybe we can drink at a saloon, or rob a train. Except trains are pretty fast these days. And all we have is a rental car.”

“Last night I watched The Golden Compass in my room. I don’t know if you’ve seen the film, but each human has a guardian demon that takes the shape of an animal. They weren’t very demonic, though. My demon would be a lot more troubled—like a talking bottle of booze that sneaks up on me and tricks me with a riddle."

“Last night we played another gig, for a software company called Omniture. It sounds like some evil global conglomerate, but they were just normal people. They all had glow sticks around their necks. It was quite wild.

It’s harder to buy a phone in the U.S. than it is to buy a gun. I’m thinking maybe I should just buy a gun, then steal the phone.
I'll nibble chips off your hips
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Blender Magazine scans

Wed May 21, 2008 1:00 am
hahaha Jemaine looks silly in that first pic
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 1:00 am
Hehe I love this article too... who knew Bret was so cheeky??   Very Happy

Last edited by Ami on Sun Feb 07, 2021 12:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
I'll nibble chips off your hips
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 1:06 am
I love the gun part lol

Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 1:10 am

Amily wrote:We became friends with the Pussycat Dolls backstage. I kept forgetting their names, but then I realized they’re printed on their lingerie. So you just look down.

never wanted to be pussycat doll so much in my life!!!

Amily wrote:“So far we haven’t seen much of Utah. I think on the way in we flew over the Great Salt Lake. It looked like it was iced over;
it looked kind of white. [Blender: We think that may be the salt.] Oh, right.”


and ami, i kinda suspected that bret was a wild boy underneath the sweet charm!.....*slips into crazy fantasy land*
Lost but happy at sea
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Blender Magazine scans

Wed May 21, 2008 1:14 am
Ahhh!! Can we find these in stands?!?! I'm going nuts!! I want to get them!!!!
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Blender Magazine scans

Wed May 21, 2008 1:17 am
This one is on stands now... it has Tila Tequila on the cover. Smile
Lost but happy at sea
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Blender Magazine scans

Wed May 21, 2008 1:23 am
Ick...but good to know!! Thanks are the BEST!! I will be purchasing this tomorrow!
Lost but happy at sea
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 1:50 am
Ahhh!! I love this article!! It's so sad to hear that they actually have bad days!! Like the guy dying on the plane...WTF?!?! Man, that's gotta suck!! Poor Bretty! And then Jem having to fly across the entire country just to get his passport stamped. Damn...poor guys!

And I am SOOOO jealous of whoever got to escprt them around!! I hope they know how friggen lucky they are!!

I am so picking this one up!! Fo shiz!!
Beneath a willow tree
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 9:01 am
I am so loving this article but I am somewhat surprised that a bunch of sorority sisters where driving Bret around...? How the hell did that happen? And how do I get in on it?   Smile
And I felt so bad for Jem that he had to fly to Canada (even though my homeland is an awesome place!) just to get his passport stamped! Does that mean he has a Canadian visa or something?

Also, the part about how Bret's demon would be a bottle of booze that snuck up behind him with riddles: GENIUS! I laughed for 10 minutes over that and then posted it as comments on 6 of my friends myspaces. It was just too good not to share!   Very Happy
Probing Planet Bret
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 9:55 am
It must be so awesome to be friends with Bret!  He's so spontaneous and funny.   Very Happy

But why did Blender call him the short one? Isn't he, like, 6 feet tall?
Bowie's in space
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 10:31 am
I thought that was weird too but honestly in person Bret didn't seem very big, must be because he's so super small framed and delicate. Jemaine, on the other hand, seemed enormous, like a big squishy bear.
Smokin' with an eye that's broken
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Blender Magazine scans

Wed May 21, 2008 11:03 am
hahaha cute pictures..
I'm making a lasagne... for one
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 11:05 am
I actually was surprised how short Jemaine was, but stocky. He seems really tall on the show.
Bret is shorter than Jemaine but not by much, only a few inches. He is so small and adorable my Bretty!
This article is amazing! They are so funny, it makes me adore them even more!
Smokin' with an eye that's broken
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 11:14 am
bret is a pretty funny cat.. and ashley i love the fact that you used the words fo shiz. haha
I'm making a lasagne... for one
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Blender Magazine - April 23, 2008 Empty Collect Call From: Flight of the Conchords

Wed May 21, 2008 1:14 pm
Ahhhahaha! Thanks for posting this!

I like Jemaine taking off his glasses as a disguise, and Bret asking the sorority girls if they make out. Bret really IS freaky! (in the best way possible, of course)
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