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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty June 16 - Detroit, MI

Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:01 am
[align=center:34dbdy97][size=125:34dbdy97][url=Fox Theatre][/url] (
seats 5,174)

June 16 - Detroit, MI N3s1zl.jpg

:#cheer#: :#cheer#: :#cheer#: [/align:34dbdy97]
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:45 pm
Gig poster for tonight! :#cheer#:

June 16 - Detroit, MI 13402216_1702272746706449_96771585_n.jpg
By [url=Mike Fudge][/url]
High Class Conwhord
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:31 pm
Hmm I don't think I'm a fan, but I'm happy the gig posters have sprouted back up.
Your leaves are making me horny
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:07 pm
onlyalways wrote:Hmm I don't think I'm a fan, but I'm happy the gig posters have sprouted back up.

:#undecidedance#: :#undecidedance#: Saaaaame.
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:16 pm
blondesnotbombs wrote:
onlyalways wrote:Hmm I don't think I'm a fan, but I'm happy the gig posters have sprouted back up.

:#undecidedance#: :#undecidedance#: Saaaaame.
:#undecidedance#: :#undecidedance#: :#undecidedance#:
Your leaves are making me horny
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:02 pm
June 16 - Detroit, MI 28aniqg.jpg
June 16 - Detroit, MI Voxyfn.jpg
June 16 - Detroit, MI Hx4ubk.jpg

June 16 - Detroit, MI B7yyc5.jpg

June 16 - Detroit, MI Dq5anb.jpg

June 16 - Detroit, MI 2gtdvyp.jpg

June 16 - Detroit, MI 11w32fn.jpg
June 16 - Detroit, MI 25gf0nk.jpg

:#loveeyes#: :#loveeyes#: :#loveeyes#: [size=200:22en3izj]B R E T ! ! ! :#loveeyes#: :#loveeyes#: :#loveeyes#:
Your leaves are making me horny
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:20 pm
From Eugene's instagram:

June 16 - Detroit, MI 2v3r8uc.jpg
June 16 - Detroit, MI 23uqtl1.jpg
High Class Conwhord
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:50 pm
blondesnotbombs wrote:June 16 - Detroit, MI 28aniqg.jpg

*slams fist on the table* I need... more... recorder... shenanigans...
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:06 pm
June 16 - Detroit, MI QxaUrh7.png

mandalama Bret was super nice last night. I mean: look at my crazy face-and he still talked to us and squished his face with us


:#fit#: :#bret#: :#fit#:
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:20 pm
June 16 - Detroit, MI YcPAzMO.png

bridget_landon Best birthday present ever! Thank you @flightoftheconchords for putting on an amazing show and taking the time to meet your fans! Their managers were trying to get them to leave but Jemaine said, "
but that's not fair, look at all these people who are waiting!"
Such wonderful people!


:#love3#: :#jem#: :#bret#: :#love3#:
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:26 pm
June 16 - Detroit, MI VfdJvDA.png

Considering second-hand underpants
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:11 am
Flipping Hell. I just wrote up a long post, hit Preview, and it says 'you have to be logged in...' GONE.
I WAS logged in, grrrr! ><br /><img src=" title="Angry" />

I shall try this again later. Smile Here are some pics...Thanks to my hubs for getting me mid-sentence with Bret, lol.
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:48 am
Great pictures Laura! :#loveeyes#: I love that the guys are still willing to go out and meet fans after all these years. It's something they really don't have to do.. I hope they know how much it means to us. Which I'm sure they do or they probably wouldn't do it right. :#love3#:

tornadogirl wrote:Flipping Hell. I just wrote up a long post, hit Preview, and it says 'you have to be logged in...' GONE.
I WAS logged in, grrrr! ><br /><img src=" title="Angry" />
So sorry about that! The board is set to automatically log off after 10 minutes of inactivity. If your post took longer than 10 minutes to write up it probably logged you out because it thought you were gone. If you click on 'Login' at the top right of the board, it will take you to another page with login options. There you can set the board to remember you. This way, you won't really ever have to log in again and this won't happen to you again.

I really hope you aren't discouraged from re-writing your experience. We'd still really love to read it! Smile
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:59 am
June 20, 2016 by Marko Polovina

You wouldn’t know it from their appearance, but Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement are all about the rock and roll lifestyle. At least they professed that during their Flight of the Conchords performance on June 16th at the historic Detroit Fox Theatre. They are also chronicling their behind the music in a book of their very own rock and roll. A lot was said during their hilariously magical act in song, banter between audience members, or just inane boring details that frankly felt refreshingly unscripted and downright entertaining. Pleasantly surprising is that the two mix it up with equal measures of new comedic jabs and old favorites.


What can be counted on during the Flight of the Conchords show is their range of musical takes – jazzy accentuated by black and white visuals, western country style of a pants-less American man full of rage and pretty much an asshole of free expression, or Jemaine working the streets of Detroit as a prostitute. They bring it all to the forefront of absurdity.

Where the duo thrived on Thursday evening was their definitive ease in improv. Their lyrical obviousness of not only physical gaffes on stage but observational comedy in the crowd. At times instinctually Bret or Jemaine would yell at the people in the aisles getting drinks or going to the bathroom– “where the fuck are you going this is our jazz song? Hold your urine and just piss in a bag.”

It was hitting on all cylinders for everyone there with each laugh harder than the last. Evidence to their ingenuity during equipment failures, Jemaine blamed his backstage posse (who were wearing invisibility cloaks) of the problems until one eventually came out to hand him a new piece of equipment. “Why aren’t you using your cloak, those invisibility cloaks are really expensive,” Bret smirkingly criticized.



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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:29 pm
Ok, back again. Smile

Glad you found that review...I won't have to type as much, lol. It will probably echo much of what has been written already but it was amazing! They are so much more obviously comfortable and everything flowed really nicely.


Show ends, happiness overload is happening in my brain, and we decide to go ahead and head over to the same spot we had our meet n greet 7 years ago. Some WTF friends were there and we all waited. After only about 45 minutes or so- Bret came out! They opened the gate and set up 1 small barricade and we were off. Smile He was so sweet. I was wearing the tour shirt from back then and he'd signed the back, Jemaine the front. He got a kick out of seeing it. I didn't ask him to sign anything- I think I had them sign about 4 things last time! I just thanked him for coming back...reminded him that they told us they'd be back in 2009. After our pic, he said "
see you 2023,"
lol! I told him I hoped it wouldn't be that long. Smile He signed Tom's shirt, right over where Jemaine had signed it last time but since it had been washed a lot, you could barely see his sig. Covered by Bret's now, lol. While he was finishing up with a friend, they were talking about last time and Sugalumps. I told him we'd been left side front row and he'd posed for a pic but it came out blurry. He asked 'was it like this?' and he got in the legs-spread, thrust position. "
Wish I'd had the camera ready.

We watched and helped with pics as everyone else got their turns and before the crowd had all seen Bret- out came Jemaine! Very Happy This was the highlight of the entire night for me.

So the guard-dude had us line up on the opposite side for him. When it was my turn I started to go up to him and he looked at me and said "
:#thud#: I probably looked like a deer in the headlights. "
and he said "
I remimber you."
*Faint* * Swoon* :#heart#: :#love3#: :#loveeyes#: Jemaine remembered me...and he knew my name!

One of my friends there posted this on FB: "
Yes, I was a couple of people behind Laura in line, and Jemaine said, loudly and authoritatively,
and it was so cool!!!"
:#jem#: :#heart#:

He was just so sweet and laid-back- they both were. I told him- oh, I also told Bret the same- that they were fantastic, the show was great, yada, yada, lol. Pic snapped by a friend rather than with my old camera- It's why my Bret-pic is crap, lol. Ah well. Eugene was also there and we told him he was hilarious- he really was! Tom thanked them for coming out to meet with us, and I'm so glad because it's so true! We're so lucky.
I didn't get the poster because, well...I didn't care for it. I took a pic. I did get the grey "
Flight of the Motherflippin Conchords"
tee. I love it.
It was a great night. Very Happy
Anyone who has the chance to see them still on this tour- do it!

Someone posted this setlist and I only just discovered that if you click the play arrow by the song- you can see them perform the Party Song- Chips and Dips. It's not from our show, but... Smile The others all link to older vids- ever the other new songs. *edited because I see now this has already been posted.
http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/flight-of ... e73cb.html

And how cool are FOTC fans that when I look on YT for videos...that I'm finding none?! We love them and want to please them. (But I really want to hear/see Seagull again. And again. Very Happy

Last edited by 583 on Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Considering second-hand underpants
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:47 pm
Ami, you're so right about the meet and greets- and I hope they do more as the tour progresses.

Wow, you guys really found a lot of great pics! Smile I love the ones of Bridget- Great Birthday gift indeed!

Here's a bit more of the convo on her Instagram comments:

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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:41 pm
Hey Laura! Thank you so much for sharing your recap with us! I really enjoyed reading it. :#love3#:

I'm about to leave on a 17+ hour trip to Vancouver today for my first show of the tour so I'm super pressed for time at the moment. I wish I could to write more but I've just been go go go the last couple of days and now it's down to the wire. I will try to reply in more detail once I'm back from my trip! I just wanted to leave you a quick note so that you weren't left wondering if anyone read your recap! Again, thank you for sharing it! I always love reading everyone's accounts and I hope to see you around here throughout the rest of the tour! :;
Your leaves are making me horny
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:40 pm

Thank you for sharing, Laura! :#excited#:
High Class Conwhord
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Join date : 2009-03-12

June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re:

Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:35 pm
Lovely photos, Laura! :#heart#:


Show ends, happiness overload is happening in my brain, and we decide to go ahead and head over to the same spot we had our meet n greet 7 years ago. Some WTF friends were there and we all waited. After only about 45 minutes or so- Bret came out! They opened the gate and set up 1 small barricade and we were off. Smile He was so sweet. I was wearing the tour shirt from back then and he'd signed the back, Jemaine the front. He got a kick out of seeing it. I didn't ask him to sign anything- I think I had them sign about 4 things last time! I just thanked him for coming back...reminded him that they told us they'd be back in 2009. After our pic, he said "
see you 2023,"
lol! I told him I hoped it wouldn't be that long. Smile He signed Tom's shirt, right over where Jemaine had signed it last time but since it had been washed a lot, you could barely see his sig. Covered by Bret's now, lol. While he was finishing up with a friend, they were talking about last time and Sugalumps. I told him we'd been left side front row and he'd posed for a pic but it came out blurry. He asked 'was it like this?' and he got in the legs-spread, thrust position. "
Wish I'd had the camera ready.

We watched and helped with pics as everyone else got their turns and before the crowd had all seen Bret- out came Jemaine! Very Happy This was the highlight of the entire night for me.

So the guard-dude had us line up on the opposite side for him. When it was my turn I started to go up to him and he looked at me and said "
:#thud#: I probably looked like a deer in the headlights. "
and he said "
I remimber you."
*Faint* * Swoon* :#heart#: :#love3#: :#loveeyes#: Jemaine remembered me...and he knew my name!

One of my friends there posted this on FB: "
Yes, I was a couple of people behind Laura in line, and Jemaine said, loudly and authoritatively,
and it was so cool!!!"
:#jem#: :#heart#:

He was just so sweet and laid-back- they both were. I told him- oh, I also told Bret the same- that they were fantastic, the show was great, yada, yada, lol. Pic snapped by a friend rather than with my old camera- It's why my Bret-pic is crap, lol. Ah well. Eugene was also there and we told him he was hilarious- he really was! Tom thanked them for coming out to meet with us, and I'm so glad because it's so true! We're so lucky.
I didn't get the poster because, well...I didn't care for it. I took a pic. I did get the grey "
Flight of the Motherflippin Conchords"
tee. I love it.
It was a great night. Very Happy
Anyone who has the chance to see them still on this tour- do it!





Thank you SO much for sharing, sounds like it was a hell of a night! :#buttrock#:
Considering second-hand underpants
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:22 pm
Glad to share- and to read everyone else's experiences, too.

I've missed them. I've missed this. Smile

And though it was almost a week ago, I still feel quite floaty about it.

Off to read more!
You don't have to be a prostitute
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:47 pm

June 16 - Detroit, MI Screen%20Shot%202016-06-23%20at%205.30.16%20PM.png
citizenyoga: @flightoftheconchords loved Citizen so much that they asked us to teach a private session! Check out our teacher @sitarabird hangin' with the band

Surprised :#ded#:

And same, but better:

June 16 - Detroit, MI Screen%20Shot%202016-06-23%20at%205.30.37%20PM.png
sitarabird: Post yoga bliss with @flightoftheconchords at the #FoxTheatre thanks for having me y'all!

Anyone here teach yoga? :#loveeyes#: :#haha#:
High Class Conwhord
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:05 pm
gezyka wrote:And same, but better:

June 16 - Detroit, MI Screen%20Shot%202016-06-23%20at%205.30.37%20PM.png
sitarabird: Post yoga bliss with @flightoftheconchords at the #FoxTheatre thanks for having me y'all!

This picture is better because:

    more smiley
    nigel isn't mid-blink

gezyka wrote:Anyone here teach yoga? :#loveeyes#: :#haha#:

No, but maybe they could teach us. :#evilgrin#:
Considering second-hand underpants
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:32 pm
Oh my lord.... :#thud#: :#ded#:

My first reaction to this was to wonder if they'd all had a sleepover and who was that woman and 'ooooh, look at Jemaine's lovely sweatpants....' and OMG she is so lucky! :#lol#:

Never heard of the place but it's just 2 blocks from where my friend stayed. If only she'd known she could have joined them for a yoga class! :#drool#:
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June 16 - Detroit, MI Empty Re: June 16 - Detroit, MI

Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:37 am

Sponsored content

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