Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:54 pm
[size=133:cpuamfr3]July 23, 2009

Henry Fonda Theatre
Tickets on sale June 13th @ 10am

Hope some of you LA and area Flighties can make it. ;<br />D

Last edited by 2 on Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
My shadow played a bass clarinet
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:58 pm

Amily wrote:[size=133:c99qhh5n]July 23, 2009

Henry Fonda Theatre
Tickets on sale June 13th @ 10am

Hope some of you LA and area Flighties can make it. ;<br />D
My shadow played a bass clarinet
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:50 pm
Caribbean Lady
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:10 pm
YAY!!!! <img src=" title="Very Happy" border="0"/> <img src=" title="Very Happy" border="0"/> <img src=" title="Very Happy" border="0"/>

I'm not crying
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:55 pm
<img src=" title="Surprised" border="0"/>!!!!!

My shadow played a bass clarinet
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:02 pm
NOOOOOOOOO!!! Why July 23? Whhhyyyy?! [image]
There's nothin' wrong
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:26 am

Amily wrote:[size=133:wq1uo44q]July 23, 2009

Henry Fonda Theatre
Tickets on sale June 13th @ 10am

Hope some of you LA and area Flighties can make it. ;<br />D

There is a pre-sale going on today from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM. If anyone would like the password, just message me! (I think the show will be general admission, though. All the other shows I've been to at the venue have been.)
Ah, Gerard Depardieu
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:21 pm
So did anybody get tix? Where are your seats? (I wasn't able to do the presale, I just wanna live vicariously thru those of ya that did...sigh)
My shadow played a bass clarinet
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:26 am
So...... is anyone going to this?
You don't have to be a prostitute
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:03 pm

chickenkarma wrote:So...... is anyone going to this?


Ah, Gerard Depardieu
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:21 pm
More crickets...How was it? Anyone??...
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:05 am
I can't believe no one went. [image]
Probing Planet Bret
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:03 am

Amily wrote:I can't believe no one went. [image]

Yeah. Sad
Probing Planet Bret
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:05 am
From Rhys' twitter:

[size=133:lyu43wp7]First edition of the new live show completed here in LA. Good laughs, it needs tightening but the feel is there. Next stop London!
My shadow played a bass clarinet
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:00 am

Amily wrote:I can't believe no one went. [image]
No one went?
<img src=" title="Surprised" border="0"/>
Don't make me get out the whip... [image] [image]
You don't have to be a prostitute
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:29 am

Amily wrote:I can't believe no one went. [image]
If I lived closer/weren't working in Cleveland at the moment, I so would have been there. [image]
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:45 am

gezyka wrote:
Amily wrote:I can't believe no one went. [image]
If I lived closer ... I so would have been there. [image]

[Lily] Same. [/Lily] [image]

Last edited by 2 on Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:52 am; edited 1 time in total
Caribbean Lady
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:30 am
alas, class interfered, once again :Smile
Beneath a willow tree
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:33 am
Me and Venus have been to his London shows this week! Not together, on different nights.

All I can say is...

Stunt Cock Operator!"

Oh My <img src=" title="Surprised" border="0"/>
Jem Ho
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:15 am

I_am_Heather wrote:"
Stunt Cock Operator!"

I don't know what that is, but I may need one.

Like BAD.

<img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>
Beneath a willow tree
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:51 am
Haha! Apparently he is VERY hot in bed. (His own words! <img src=" title="Surprised" border="0"/> [image] ) So I imagine he doesn't need one, except on a film set! <img src=" title="Surprised" border="0"/> (He cannot spell though...it all evens out really)

Would anybody like a little run through of the evening?

I have pictures too!

Also...his hands are very very VERY soft [image] [image] I did this >

Jem Ho
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:18 am

I_am_Heather wrote:Would anybody like a little run through of the evening?

I have pictures too!

[image] [image]
Beneath a willow tree
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:03 am
Okie doke. Well, the latter end of this is nicked from a private message to Vesna as it is easier than me retyping it. I unleashed a lot of drama on her <img src=" title="Surprised" border="0"/>

I got to London on Sunday after a LONG drive and the show I went to was his opening night on Monday. I'm very panicky sometimes and so was freaking out all day that something would happen that meant I'd miss the show! I went with my boyfriend, his friend and his wife and they decided they want to visit the Dinosaurs at the Natural History museum so we went there during the daytime. We had been debating all day about whether we should drive from our hotel to the venue, or get the tube. The hotel was about 8 miles away and initially thought it might be easier getting the tube what with the London traffic being a bit crazy. For some (thankful!) reason at the last moment we decided to drive there instead and risk finding a parking spot. Which we got - right outside the venue door haha! Convenient? Very. More on that later.

The email receipt said we weren't allowed to get our tickets until half an hour before the show but we decided to ask anyway at about half five and they let us have them [image] I went downstairs to the toilet, which I realised was by the stage door (again, convenient!) so I made a mental note of that but the toilet was locked so we trekked all around the building for another one. It took us about half an hour before we were back at the front, ready to go and get some food. It also meant that just as we left, Rhys was arriving with Rosie and Finn in a stroller. I was the only one who noticed at first, because I was the only one who knew Rhys doesn't actually look like his characters in real life. I didn't go over and talk to him, but when I let the others know my boyfriend's friend shouted Rhys we love you! To which he turned around and I said Hello and he waved and smiled as we both walked in different directions. [image]

Anyway....when the show began, we were row F. Which was amazingly close because the venue, unbeknown to me, was absolutely TINY!

Bill Napier came on to whoops and whistles and though opening with his "
line, Rhys had changed the rest of the Bill part and talked about when he first "
met Rhys"
then went into hiding in the NZ mountains because of the Millenium bug, before being called up 6 years later by Rhys demanding to know why he hadn't been paid for a gig he had hired him for. Obviously, I am not going to tell you these gags with the same accuracy and hilarity as Rhys can [image]

Bill introduced Rhys' support act, Glen Wool, a Canadian comedian who you can find on Rhys' Imagine That DVD. He is very UN-PC, and sometimes is very cringey, but in a laugh hysterically embarrassed kind of way. To go back to the parking thing...it was very convenient because after the nights rollercoaster events (again, I shall explain!) we caught Glen coming out just as we were leaving, offered him a lift and he hopped in! He tried very hard to be funny for the entire 20 minute car journey, and it did work, but it was very sweet to know he didn't want to let up his comedy act in front of us. He told us stories about him and Rhys, and also about Arj, and then made a slip up when I suggested that Arj doesn't come to London anymore. He said "
well, he left behind a lot of angry boyfriends.....oh wait...no, not HIS boyfriends...well...don't tell anyone I said that!"
Haha! We knew what he really meant, but it was very funny hearing him trying to cover his tracks and then he told us that it would be on the internet within minutes and Arj would hate him forever!


Rhys came on to a rapturous applause, and made some funny quips about people just arriving - they looked VERY embarrassed. I didn't understand it though. Within about 5 minutes of him being on, people started leaving to go to the toiled? It was a bit weird [image] He seemed to notice it too, which was sad.

He had a lot of new material, and two new characters. One - a Whale watching kiwi who has never seen a real life Whale, and one a UFOLOGIST, who has an unhealthy relationship with his Stepfather. The latter was so excruciatingly embarrassing, I nearly wet my pants with laughter [image] [image] [image]

He talked about his new film and joked about his Stunt Cock Operator, Gregory Peck, looked amused at the reaction to his Australian joke that in his words "
yeah, biggest laugh of the night, unexpected that..."

He has a NEW robot, which is the essentially the same as the old Robot only this time it is operated by his War Veteran Kiwi Old Man....OMG!!!!! [image]

He encored with more robot, helicopters, a kazoofly and he DID do THE dance!

I'm assuming you know the dance I am talking about haha.

I'm sorry if I have missed anything. I have a terrible memory!







[image] <




Anyway, I had hoped to meet him afterwards, and Rosie had told me on myspace that it was likely he would come out afterwards. So here is where the night was ruined a little (a lot) through NO fault of his at all. And this is the stuff taken from my DM to vesna...

So I've said that I made the trip with my boyfriend, and his friend and his wife. His friend can be quite difficult sometimes. He is very confrontational. Not in an aggressive way but he can be quite oblivious to his occasional rudeness and attempts at grabbing attention. I naively thought that he wouldn't unleash this on Rhys if we met him =(

After the show had finished (and I reiterate, it is amazing!) we went outside to decide what to do. Friend and Wife needed the toilet so they both went back in and downstairs, to the left, where the toilets AND stage door are. After about 5 minutes we got a phone call from Friend saying one of the staff members had said Rhys would be coming out soon, so we went downstairs to wait. The plan was just to ask for an autograph on my dvd, and Friend was wearing a NZ Tshirt from Rotarua that is a bit weird in a New Zealandish kind of way, which we thought Rhys would like, and maybe get a picture if he said yes.

Anyway, we saw him walking through the glass doors with lots of people surrounding him and then the most embarrassing, shameful horrible thing happened. Friend ran right up to him, phone in hand, in his face, shouting RHYS RHYS SAY SOMETHING FUNNY FOR MY PHONE MESSAGES SAY SOMETHING LIKE "

Rhys looked really perplexed, and tired, and a little (a lot?) annoyed and looked round at us 3 (His wife was still in the loo) as if we were complete idiots, which, because of him, we were. He even said the most horrendous thing - "
say it in that accent you do"
like a complete retard!!!!!!!!! You know, the kind of thing Rhys, Bret and Jemaine take the piss out of, ignorant people and Kiwis? The whole time I was just stood there looking at the floor wanting to leave. I was so upset, and so so ashamed.

Rhys did it, which is even worse....and Friend kind of got his comeuppance because Rhys said "
Eeeer Hello, I'm ******, and I'm a dick, errm errm I usually have a script for this...yis.....leave a message"
so joking BUT insulting him for being a dick at the same time.

After the video he turned to me and I just held out my hand and he shook it, I said "
Thank you Rhys, it was a wonderful show"
and he was like "
aww thanks, thankyou"
and then left immediately. I called after a thank you again and he turned around and waved.

So a chance for a simple autograph, asked for politely, and a possible picture was completely scuppered by an ignorant, rude and disrespectful idiot who I happened to be with.

I was so upset, that, apart from when Glen was in the car, I didn't speak the whole way home. Despite that, it didn't stop the fact that all of that excitement and joy I had felt over the whole weekend was completely ruined and it felt, and still feels like Rhys thought we were a bunch of Dickheads [image] [image] [image]
It was so ridiculously stupid!!!! [image] and the entire weekend was ruined for me, it was and still is horrible and really upsetting to think about =( [image] [image] [image]

I sent an apology to Rhys on myspace in the hope that him or Rosie will read it. I just didn't know what else I could do to rectify it in my mind Sad I've never met anybody (famous) who I adore before so this first time was totally overshadowed by Friend's attention grabbing idiocy!

But as Vesna so kindly told me, it did nothing to distract from the fact that Rhys' show is absolutely HILARIOUS and I feel so privileged to have seen his new material! [image]

I'm hoping I get to meet him again one day under better, more polite circumstances.


Rhys told you all first [image] [image] [image]

Beneath a willow tree
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:09 am
Oh and in the end, the video Friend had recorded didn't even work!
Totally Fine
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Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009 Empty Rhys performing in LA - July 23, 2009

Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:18 am
Aw, Heather. [image]

I would feel the same way if I were in your position, but Rhys is such a nice guy- I'm sure he didn't judge you all based on the actions of the one guy who was with you. [image]

Anyway, I'm glad you were able to see his show! Smile
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