Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

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Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:00 pm
As you all most likely know,Irene trusted in me to give sheeple Rhys to actual Rhys tonight. Well...I couldn't give it to him without having a photoshoot in the car with sheeple rhys:
And when sheeple rhys/haley finally made it to philly:

Tonight I saw the Darbs in Philly at the Trocadero. Quaint little theatre..seats about 65. I go tthere at 6. Some lame emo music show just got out and I was the only one waiting for the Darbs so I walked around a bit. When I cam back there were 2 other people..la la la la,boring stuff...anyways...turns out it's time to line up at 7:30,i get to the middle of the line the the 2 other people are like "
oh no,you can go ahead of us!"
and so i did and i was first in line (well,my dad and i since i convinced him to see the darbs with me ;
)) Anywho...the theatre is pretty small and I was 5 feet away from the stage (1st row) but you sit at tables (and have people wait on you...which is pretty sweet...i got a shirley temple,but that's another story..)

Okay,on with the show!
Rhys had an opening act. Some college kid from Philly.
He was pretty funny but was only on for like 15 minutes.
The theatre was filled up pretty much by then and Rhys ended up coming on at 9. He was on for an hour just about. It was hilarious! He did a lot of his stuff which I'd seen at 1st national international new zealand day (Robot/War) and he did a lot of other stuff...his walkman sound effects,'the odd girl' bit,a bit about famous new zealander's (no,b/j weren't mentioned <img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>),a bit about his 'worst gig ever' (on an airplane,supposedly. and he said it was all true. it was freaking hilarious. basically he said how it was right after 9/11 and everyone thought he was a terrorist),his bit about mermaids/'she had really hairy tits' (as seen in the Imagine That! promo ;
)),he talked about the phillies (something about how he didn't know the name of the philly baseball team and his cab driver said 'that's embarrassing')...he did a ton of hilarious stuff and i was crying i was laughing so hard. I won't go into detail of the bits he did now since i'm rambling already (and if anyone wants to hear about them in detail you can just ask me Smile).

So...after the show Rhys goes away and I'm thinking "
Noooo! I need to give him the sheeple!"
but it was just my luck that about 5 other obnoxious people where waiting around the stage for him saying 'Murray!Murray!Murray!' supposedly one girl saw him poke his head out and she says "
Come on Rhys! Please...just give us 5 minutes"
(this girl was annoying but she said what I was thinking so whatever. <img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>) He ends up walking over and immediately I put the sheeple up in the air and he walks over to me and takes it and then kneels down on the stage and says 'Aw! Is this for me?' and I said 'Yeah! But I didn't make it for you,my friend did. She wanted me to give it to you. Smile' and he says 'Wait a second..let me come down there...' and he hops off the stage and starts fidgeting with the sheeple and he looks so amazed by it. ;<br />D So then I asked for a photo and my camera was being a douche but Rhys was sooooooooooooo nice about it. So anyways,the 5 obnoxious people crowd around him while I get my video camera ready and I then asked him if he could say something to my friend who made the doll...and he said 'Of course!' and right before I started recording he said "
Wait! What's her name?"
And he repeated 'Irene' like 5 times. Too cute. Smile So here is the video that you all have been waiting for...
(I'm SUPER sorry it's dark! the theatre was really badly lit where we were standing and my video camera makes everything darker anyways. But you can hear his lovely voice!) (And no,I didn't ask him to say anything! He just said whatever he wanted to). :-*

After that I asked for a picture with him (I 'ucking hate this photo..I was not ready for it and the flash blinded me...but whatever. It's rhys!):
And I just said randomly 'Oh yeah,my friend and I made that fanpage for you...you know the one on myspace...that's a bit embarassing actually'. And he said 'Oh,really?! No! It's awesome! I love it! It's flattering' and he gave me a hug :-* ;<br />D And I said thanks and...well,now I'm here!

(Sorry for my horrible typing. I typed this as fast as possible!)
I like to rock the party!

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:07 pm
ahhh! awesome! Rhys is sooooo amazing! hes so cool and nice! i want to meet him..Sad lol
one day...one day.

and IRENE! holy crap! that shout out is out of this world! his voice makes you smile and melts your heart all at the same time. priceless!
ps-sheeple rhys looks so adorable!
You don't have to be a prostitute

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:14 pm

*but applauds Irene for her amazing sheeple and Haley for her awesome coverage/sheeple-delivering!* ;<br />D ;<br />D

*oh yes, and Rhys for his super niceness, of course* <img src=" title="Very Happy" border="0"/>

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:40 pm
<img src=" title="Very Happy" border="0"/>! Ah,I'm so happy right now! For Irene and for me! I love Rhys!! :-* He's so lovely.
I'll nibble chips off your hips

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:43 pm
So awesome Haley!!!!!!!

p.s. This is my 1000th post!! HELLSYEAHHHHH! 8-)

Last edited by 217 on Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
My shadow played a bass clarinet

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:49 pm
Is forever grateful to Haley, T_T

THANK YOU HALEY!, you did everything I wanted and MORE!.

I am so happy for you too!
You got a Hug from RHYS, you didn't even have to ask!


you are too cool for school.

I actually thought you looked so cute in that picture with RHYS!
You say you weren't ready but the facial expression shown was one of your true emotions which was HAPPEEEEEEE, you look cute ^^

Thanks for getting footage of him saying THANK YOU! So RAD! XD

Oh man, the car my room can just burst into flames right now and it would be the way to go, huh guys?

<img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>
Caribbean Lady

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:59 pm
omg - the pics of travelling sheeple rhys are so adorable. haley, that was so wonderful of you to take Irene's present to rhys - and I'm so happy for you! Rhys looks like quite the hottie in that pic above ;
) (i can't see the pic of you though - sadness).

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:06 am
this whole story warms my heart ;<br />D ;<br />D ;<br />D ;<br />D

irene, haley: i love you both! and i love rhys too....and i LOOOOOVE sheeple murray! the notebook was my favorite part, too <img src=" title="Very Happy" border="0"/> and yis, haley, what happened to the pic of you and rhys? flickr is saying it's unavailable... Sad

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:09 am

Such an awesome story and account of the night. I don't know how Rhys can get any sweeter but he does! I'm so happy for you girls. YAY!! ;<br />D

ADD: I'm curious to know what your dad thought of Rhys' show....

Last edited by 2 on Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:10 am; edited 1 time in total
I'll nibble chips off your hips

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:13 am
OMG Haley thats so awesome! I love the video! It sounds like you, sheeple and your dad had a great time! (Ok your dad probably had an ok time haha) It's funny because when I saw the pics of Sheeple Murray in the car I thought...awww she's not going alone...Sheeple Murray is her date lmao. Then you said you convinced your dad to go with you...which is probably for the best, since sheeple was leaving you soon and you would never see eachother again, and he's not alive hehehe

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:48 am
ALSO: Rhys really loves that sweater... I do too. ;<br />D

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:30 am

LadyinRed wrote:So awesome Haley!!!!!!!

p.s. This is my 1000th post!! HELLSYEAHHHHH! 8-)
Happy 1,000th post!!

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:31 am

chickenkarma wrote:Is forever grateful to Haley, T_T

THANK YOU HALEY!, you did everything I wanted and MORE!.

I am so happy for you too!
You got a Hug from RHYS, you didn't even have to ask!


you are too cool for school.

I actually thought you looked so cute in that picture with RHYS!
You say you weren't ready but the facial expression shown was one of your true emotions which was HAPPEEEEEEE, you look cute ^^

Thanks for getting footage of him saying THANK YOU! So RAD! XD

Oh man, the car my room can just burst into flames right now and it would be the way to go, huh guys?

<img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>
Well hopefully your room didn't burst into flames <img src=" title="Surprised" border="0"/> <img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>

Everyone's saying Rhys and me look alike in that picture. I'm like,wtf?! Nooo!

I'm so glad I got to give him the sheeple! ;<br />D

Next time I'll have to have him record a brighter video ;

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:32 am

chrissycubana wrote:omg - the pics of travelling sheeple rhys are so adorable. haley, that was so wonderful of you to take Irene's present to rhys - and I'm so happy for you! Rhys looks like quite the hottie in that pic above ;
) (i can't see the pic of you though - sadness).
Thanks Chrissy!

I reuploaded it ;

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:34 am

caiknbake wrote:this whole story warms my heart ;<br />D ;<br />D ;<br />D ;<br />D

irene, haley: i love you both! and i love rhys too....and i LOOOOOVE sheeple murray! the notebook was my favorite part, too <img src=" title="Very Happy" border="0"/> and yis, haley, what happened to the pic of you and rhys? flickr is saying it's unavailable... Sad
Mine too! :-* <img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>

I reuploaded it. Smile My flickr was being a douche for an hour or so but all is good now. ;

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:35 am

Amily wrote:Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Such an awesome story and account of the night. I don't know how Rhys can get any sweeter but he does! I'm so happy for you girls. YAY!! ;<br />D

ADD: I'm curious to know what your dad thought of Rhys' show....
He's so super nice! ;<br />D He wasn't going to come out after because I think he had to rush to his next city but he did. ;<br />D :-*

My dad was laughing the entire time. But when I asked him at the end what he thought of it he said "
It was okay"
. He's a liar. <img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:36 am

*boom-queen* wrote:OMG Haley thats so awesome! I love the video! It sounds like you, sheeple and your dad had a great time! (Ok your dad probably had an ok time haha) It's funny because when I saw the pics of Sheeple Murray in the car I thought...awww she's not going alone...Sheeple Murray is her date lmao. Then you said you convinced your dad to go with you...which is probably for the best, since sheeple was leaving you soon and you would never see eachother again, and he's not alive hehehe
Haha! Yes,sheeple Murray was my date. He's too cute not to take as a date! <img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:37 am

Amily wrote:ALSO: Rhys really loves that sweater... I do too. ;<br />D
I KNOW! <img src=" title="Surprised" border="0"/> He wasn't wearing that when he performed. But when he came back out I was like "
That is my favorite sweater...omg...I love that sweater"
<img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:18 am
I just remembered some more parts of the show...

- He talked about how when he gets sweaty his wedding ring slips off & he said "
i don't know why i'm telling you guys this...but it feels like we're buddies. you guys are my blokes. and chicks."

- Someone in the audience screamed out 'New Zealand rocks!!!' and Rhys just stood there and was like "
Uh...yeah..it does"
then later on someone said something (I forgot what) and Rhys said "
I think that needs another exclamation point...not necessary? No..."

- He did the bit about bouncy castles. It was the best thing ever!
- He did a bit about how he plays wii and when Rosie wants him to do the dishes he says he's kayaking or running a triathlon. <img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>
Lost but happy at sea

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:53 am
unspeakable!! awesome x100000 i'm so glad you were able to meet him AND give sheepie rhys!!! yay!
Totally Fine

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:35 am
HALEY!!! So awesome. I don't even have words for how amazing this is!!!

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:31 am
OMG HALEY! I love the photos! I love the vid! Rhys is just tooo adorable! I am soo happy for you Irene! I'm sooo happy for you Haley! I also think that your photo shows exactly how you were feeling ;

this is soo awesome!!! YAY! (p.s. LOVE the recap ;<br />D )
Ah, Gerard Depardieu

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:27 pm

thedistantfuture wrote:
- He did a bit about how he plays wii and when Rosie wants him to do the dishes he says he's kayaking or running a triathlon. <img src=" title="Razz" border="0"/>

He's unbearably cute. That whole story was just awesome! The sheeple was really amazing too!

When I used to live in Philly and would go to see shows at the Troc a lot. What a great venue to see him at. Never went there when they had seats set up though. That's nice to be able to sit down.

Now I'm really sad I can't see him in DC like I originally planned. Sad

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:19 pm
Haley, I am soooo happy for you. I bet this was one of the best nights ever. We all really appreciate the recap. You are adorable ;<br />D

Irene, the sheeple was awesome. I think this was my favorite of the three Smile
My shadow played a bass clarinet

Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm! Empty Rhys/Sheeple Rhys take Philly by storm!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:27 pm
I love reading the re-cap over and over again..... I told my sister Wendy what happened and she couldn't believe how sweet Rhys was. She kept going "
every time I would tell her a bit of the story. She loves Rhys even more now LOL. She also kept telling me how she wishes that I could have been there to give it to him to see his reaction, but I told her it was okay because Haley was awesome enough to get me a shout-out! ^3^
I am still squee-ing over it! He is so cute ^________^

Last edited by 125 on Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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