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Feel Inside (and stuff like that) Empty Feel Inside (and stuff like that)

Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:12 pm
[size=150:2xnkcjmc]Feel Inside (and stuff like that)

[size=130:2xnkcjmc]There are children who are so unwell
They have to live their lives in hospitals
They're feeling lospital

Children getting sicker
Drinking too much bubble mixture
They all just wanna be bubbles
(We all just wanna be bubbles)

There must be something we can do
to stop these kids from doing spews!

Feel inside and stuff like that
Open up the lids,
Help-help-help the kids
Feel inside and stuff like that
Open up the lids,
Helpa helpa helpa the kids

Kids need us to come together
We can make them better
We can get them some feta
Can raffle scooters, cars and movie vouchers
John, stop blowing all the money on couches

We need a million and a hundred ten and twenty-one dollars
We need to build a trap so we can catch all the robbers
And we'll take their money
We'll rob the robbers
So we can fill the house, fill the house full of dollars

We'll go to people's homes and ask to borrow some money,
They'll probably all just give us some money
We give them back less money and cause a confusion
That's the solution,
Yeah, that's the colusion

Feel inside and stuff like that
Open up the lids,
Helpa helpa helpa the kids
Feel inside and stuff like that
Open up the lids,
Helpa helpa helpa the kids

The banks got the money,
The money, they get it from the Prime Minister,
The Prime Minister gets it from the Queen,
The Queen gets the money from the bank
Who gets it from the Prime Minister

The craziest financial system I've ever seen.

The kids that are sick can't do hip-hop anymore,
Their tummies, their tummies could be very sore
We've gotta dig for some oil and some crystals and gold,
Collect teeth for the tooth fairy and put 'em in a bowl.

In a bowl (in a bowl)
In a bowl (in a bowl)
In a bowl (in a bowl)
A giant bowl (in a giant bowl)


Stop writing lyrics about yourself
Get your magic wand up off the shelf
Oh no, that wand's not there anymo
I know late night come knock on my door

We'll sneak in their room when my parents snore
My dad leaves his jeans lying on the floor
In his back pocket there's a wallet we could score
Get about fifty dollars or maybe more

And if dad catches you with wallet in hand
Say it's for the kids, he'll understand
Don't need to worry, don't need to hide
I just tell my dad to feel inside

Feel inside and stuff like that
Open up the lids,
Helpa helpa helpa the kids
Feel inside and stuff like that
Open up the lids,
Helpa helpa helpa the kids


Feel Inside (and stuff like that) TFOC.jpg

Flight of the Conchords &
Friends - Feel Inside (and stuff like that) - single

Red Nose Day 2012: Comedy for Cure Kids
Posts : 8459
Join date : 2009-06-28

Feel Inside (and stuff like that) Empty Re: Feel Inside (and stuff like that)

Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:17 pm

Audio available from [url=iTunes][/url] (NZ) and [url=amplifier][/url] (world).

Last edited by 2 on Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:26 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updated link)
Posts : 8459
Join date : 2009-06-28

Feel Inside (and stuff like that) Empty Re: Feel Inside (and stuff like that)

Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:18 pm
{placeholder for chords}

EDIT: Someone has worked out the chords for guitar and put them on [url=this website][/url]. I hope they'll work for you. Smile
Posts : 8459
Join date : 2009-06-28

Feel Inside (and stuff like that) Empty Re: Feel Inside (and stuff like that)

Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:20 pm
Sorry, guys, but the lyrics are thanks to the video above. In the extended version, there's some rapping that I can't figure out, it's just too fast. If you could help me out, I'd appreciate it. Smile
Posts : 8459
Join date : 2009-06-28

Feel Inside (and stuff like that) Empty Re: Feel Inside (and stuff like that)

Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:02 am
Karaoke version! :#excited#: I'm updating the lyrics. Smile

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