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The Kooky Monster --The Age 03/23/08 Empty The Kooky Monster --The Age 03/23/08

Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:21 pm

The kooky monster
March 23, 2008

Comedian Kristen Schaall
Photo: Seth Olenick

Kristen Schaal is bringing dorky back. With her helium-pitched voice and Shirley Temple hairdo, this self-proclaimed "
awkward outrovert"
is best known for her role as Mel, the lone superfan on Flight of the Conchords, the internet and TV sensation about a Kiwi rock duo trying to make it big in New York.

But you may also remember Schaal from blink-and-you'll-miss-her cameos on shows such as Law & Order and Ugly Betty, or in the movies Kate & Leopold and Norbit. But even then, her appearance and unerring instinct for the uncomfortable are memorable.

I don't think (my comedy) comes from a place of being brave at all,"
she explains. "
I think it comes from a place of not really understanding how people judge you. And having, I don't know, some sort of weird un-self-awareness."

That's all on display when she arrives at a New York cafe for our interview. There are sporadic bursts of animation, several character voices, and a lot of infectious laughter. She'll suddenly pause mid-sentence to apologise that she has lentils on her teeth.

At one point, Schaal enacts, in a mangled Kiwi accent, the scene in which the boys from Flight of the Conchords cast her from a tape of her performance at the 2006 HBO Comedy Festival. Schaal mimes sitting at a computer typing.

Hey, there's this video of this girl."
Leans back without stopping to type. Glances at the video for less than a second. Turns back to the computer, facial expression and body language unchanged, and says, "
Yip. That's good."

Next day, she got a call asking her to come in and read with various husbands. (In the show, Mel is married and has her obedient, demeaned husband drive her around looking for Bret and Jermaine.)

Schaal's Mel is a wicked scene-stealer. She pops up on Bret's and Jermaine's stoop or sidles up to them trying to smell their necks.

It's so funny because, when I started doing Mel's lines, the guys were authentically freaked out by her. Before I would even start talking after a shoot, they were like, 'Wait, is this you or Mel?'."

Today, she looks straight out of Happy Days in her bobby socks and pink-tartan jumper. On her black beanie, she's pinned a red, plastic birdie brooch - another sign of Schaal's obsession with feathered friends.

A quick google yields several pictures of her with birds, often dead: cradling a stuffed rooster, perhaps, or perching a fake budgie on her finger. She also has a popular online skit show, Penelope: Princess of Pets.

She has, she admits, a thing about animals. She blames it on her childhood, growing up on a farm in Longmont, Colorado, with her dad, a construction worker, her mother, a secretary and a brother who was three years older.

As a teenager, it sucked. Especially pre-driver's licence because you were stuck on the farm. I was at the mercy of my older brother who refused to drive me anywhere because I was so uncool."

It's hard to know why he thought that when his sister used to kill time by performing for the livestock.

The cows were a captive audience. They would come to the trough and I would sing to them. Occasionally, they would gaze up at me blankly, but I would give them the show of their lives. Once you have performed to cows, you can perform anywhere."

But not all the cows could make her shows. There was the time a young Schaal came home to discover the freezer packed with unmarked meat. It was her favourite cow, Bella, who had fallen ill with a hoof disease, and thus ended up at the butcher and then on the Schaal family's dinner table for the next year.

To be honest"
, Schaal admits, "
I don't even like animals. I think they are kind of tragic."

Schaal moved to New York straight after college to live the "
: weekly stand-up-comedy open-mic nights, waitressing, working as a paralegal, more waitressing, being fired from playing the character Ms Peppermint Twist at a toy store, and then some more waitressing.

There were five years when it was really bare. I would write my goals down and it would say, 'Book SOMETHING'."

After a six-month spell unemployed, Schaal decided to give comedy another go. "
For some reason, I started doing improv again and it all clicked together and one thing led to the next."

In October 2005, her luck turned when she was written up in a feature article in New York magazine called "
The 10 Funniest New Yorkers You Haven't Heard Of"
: also on the list is Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF) fave Demetri Martin.

In 2006, the HBO Comedy Festival invited her to perform. After she won best alternative comic, career obstacles fell like dominoes.

But the sudden success of Flight of the Conchords, which will air on Ten this year, took Schaal by surprise. Indeed, the international success of a minor HBO sitcom, centred on a New Zealand faux-folk act, took everyone involved in it by surprise. Who knew that running gags about the Australia-NZ rivalry would play so well in the US? Maybe Melburnians would: Bret McKenzie and Jermaine Clement had their first taste of success in winning best newcomer at 2003's MICF.

Schaal says she doesn't have any obsessive fans of her own, but she does get noticed on the streets - and receives the occasional online marriage proposal, which sounds disturbingly Mel-like. "
Especially later in the evening when people are drunk. That's when they come out a lot."

Still, success has its rewards. Now that she's vaguely famous, her brother concedes that she is somewhat cool. She is also enjoying some enviable job opportunities. She has written for South Park ("
I gave them my two cents and they kept the change,"
she told the AV Club);
the BBC is interested in working with her;
she's performing stand-up for much larger crowds;
and, after her festival stint, she travels to New Orleans to shoot a small role in a John C. Reilly film, Cirque du Freak.

I would only want to play really interesting and even grotesque characters,"
says Schaal, on how she feels about playing freaks. "
Other roles for leading women are so f---ing boring and lame. All the women on TV look the same.

If you want to call it freak, you want to call it ugly, fine. But they definitely have the more interesting perspectives on the world than any of the characters you have ever written for a pretty girl. So I don't mind at all, I prefer it."
She pauses to think for a second before laughing, "
I don't think I could play one of those other characters. I would be so stressed out. I think I would be on every take, like, 'OMG, did I look pretty enough? Did I look like Jessica Simpson at all?'"

Kristen Schaal - As You Have Probably Never Seen Her Before is on at the Melbourne Town Hall until April 13. Tues-Sat 8.30pm, Sun 7.30pm.

The Funniest Festival Shows You've Never Heard Of

How To Get Almost Anyone To Want To Sleep With You, at Trades Hall
Her schtick: Sexy, self-help lecture tour that contains some solid pick-up tips along with the broad gags. Apparently, she's her own best advertisement.
You may have heard of her if: you're a producer. Fremantle Media bought the international rights to her show Dream Date, Fox Searchlight bought her screenplay and BBC radio employs her as a writer and performer.

Fisting the Soul, at Fad Gallery
His schtick: Deceptively simple stand-up that shifts rapidly into flights of unhinged surrealism, fuelled by a ferocious case of self-loathing. Even his website FAQ and flyers make for freaky reading.
You may have heard of him if: you saw him win Raw Comedy in 2004, or you were one of the few who caught last year's show Blood on the Yolks in the Key of Owls, which won Susan Provan's Director's Choice Award.

Simply Fancy, at Trades Hall
Their schtick: Sydney theatrical trio specialising in the kind of surreal childishness that requires a postgraduate degree to deconstruct. Shades of The Mighty Boosh. Ensemble member Claudia O'Doherty is the daughter of Reg Mombassa.
You may have heard of them if: you knew they won the 2007 Golden Gibbo for Best Independent Production for their absurd melodrama The Glass Boat.

Information, times and ticket prices at
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